Young people’s voices are often left out of conversations about how to make their neighborhoods and schools safe, supportive spaces where they can thrive. The Center for Youth Equity within the Violence Prevention Institute at Tulane University believes young people should be able to express themselves. Their perspectives on fairness, safety, and community can inspire action toward a future free from violence and full of access and opportunity.
Each year, the CYE invites young artists from the New Orleans area to submit original artwork to our youth art contest and exhibition. Winners in each category received a financial prize, and all entrants will have their artwork displayed in the Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University.
The 2024 Call for Submissions is now closed. The 2024 Youth Art Exhibit on "PERCEPTION" can be viewed in-person at the New Orleans Healing Center at 2372 Saint Claude Avenue New Orleans, LA 70117 through January 20, 2025.
Click here to see the 2024 award winners and a virtual exhibit.
Click here to see the 2023 award winners and a virtual exhibit.
Click here to see the 2022 award winners and a virtual exhibit.
Theme, Content, Media, & Dimensions
Topic: The way we know ourselves and the way others see us are often different. This year, CYE’s youth art contest wants artists to explore with the 2024 theme - “PERCEPTION.” What would you say is your identity? And, how do you gain strength from that? How would you depict yourself for the world to see? Or, how does the world see you? Artists may interpret the word “PERCEPTION” in the way that is most meaningful to them.
Content Guidelines: Because this artwork will be displayed in a space for all ages, submissions that include gratuitous profanity, nudity, or violence may not be considered for prizes or exhibition. This content is permitted, but it must have a purpose. Our intention is not to restrict artistic vision, so if you have questions about your subject matter, you are welcome to email us at youthart@tulane.edu.
Medium & Dimensions: Artwork should be in a visual, two-dimensional, fixed medium, and should not exceed 36x36 inches in size. This includes all forms of painting, drawing, photography, and graphic design. Unfortunately, we are unable to display sculpture or video.
Eligibility & Submission Details
This contest will be open to individuals between the ages of 11 and 21 as of November 1, 2024 who are residents of Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard, Plaquemines, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany, and Tangipahoa Parishes.
Artists must submit their artwork with the following information:
- Name, age, school, email address, and phone number
- A 500 character bio
- A 500 character description of submitted work
- Permission, name, and contact information of parent or guardian if under the age of 18
- Artist Release Form
Artwork can be submitted online as a photo or digital file of the piece at the following link:[the 2024 submission period is closed]
Artwork can be submitted by the individual, a caregiver, or the individual's teacher with permission of the parent/guardian.
Artists may submit only one artwork for consideration; however, that submission can be in multiple parts.
Entry Fee: $0
Submission Deadline: November 1, 2024
Every submission will be displayed in an in-person gallery exhibition at a location to be determined, and every artist will be invited to an exhibit opening and recognition event in December 2024 to see their artwork displayed. At the close of the exhibit, the artwork will be transferred to the Violence Prevention Institute suite for permanent display. Additionally, a website will host digital images of all submissions.
A panel of judges will award prizes in each age group along with a Best of Show award.
- Best in Show: One work chosen from all submitted will receive a financial prize of $500 and have their artwork digitized to become a mural in the reception area of the Violence Prevention Institute
- Best in Age Category: One artist from each age category will also receive a financial prize
- VPI Honorable Mention: Each member of the Violence Prevention Institute Executive committee and staff will select an honorable mention prize. When artwork is transferred to permanent display, honorable mention artwork will receive prominent placement near the office of the person that gave the honorable mention award
All awards will be shared via press release and on the Violence Prevention Institute's website and social media channels