All of the following resources are free of charge.
24-hour emergency numbers:
- Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
- ChildHelp - National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453
- United States Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-866-363-4276
- Love is Respect - Youth Dating Violence Hotline: 1-866-331-9474
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline: 1-800-950-6264
- National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Helpline: 1-800-662-4357
Tulane University Resources
- File an Incident Report
- RAVE Guardian (virtual safety escort app)
- ALL IN: Tulane's Commitment to Stop All Sexual Violence
- Sexual Violene Victim Resources
- Sexual Violence Victim Support Services
- Sexual Violence Resources
- The Well’s Sexual Violence Prevention
- Wave of Change (Sexual Violence)
- One Wave Bystander Intervention
- The Well for Health Promotion
- Office of Institutional Equity Resources
- Sexual Violence Prevention & Education Coalition (SVPEC) at Tulane
New Orleans / Louisiana Resources
- New Orleans Family Justice Center
- Offers services for teen dating violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual violence, assault, advocacy, counseling, and emergency safe housing
- 504-866-9554 (24 hr.)
- 504-592-4005 (business hours only)
- Metro Center for Women and Children (Jefferson Parish)
- 24 hour crisis hotline: 504-837-5400
- Toll-free: 1-888-411-1333
- STAR: Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response
- Provides free counseling, legal, and medical advocacy to primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault
- 24 hour hotline: 855-435-7827
- Opioids 101 Safety Guide (A City of New Orleans Initiative)
- Get Help
- Save A Life
- MHSD Care Center 504-568-3130
- For 24 hr. support dial 211
- Project SAVE: Domestic Violence Services - (504) 310-6872
- Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- programs and resources
- Local hotline 1.888.411.1333
- National hotline 1.800.799.7233
- Hagar’s House - Shelter for Women & Children
- Louisiana Trans Advocates health care provider list
- LGBTQ community-based organizations
- Covenant House youth shelter
- Undoing Racism workshop and training
- New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice
- GoCheckIt - Sexual Health website specifically designed for young Black men
- Orleans Public School Board Community Concerns Hotline: 504-304-5782
- Louisiana state firearm laws
- Report on racial disparities in birth outcomes among women & girls in Louisiana
National Resources
- Anti-Violence Project's Glossary of Useful Terms
- Victims of violence resource website (en español tambien)
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere (STRYVE)
- National LGBT Health Education Center
- Racial Equity Resource Guides and Workshops
- Futures Without Violence
- Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence
- The Safety and Injury Prevention Curriculum for Early Child Care and Education Settings
- Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg
- National Resource Center to Enhance Safety of Native Women and their Children
- Men Can Stop Rape
- Guide to Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls
- Transgender justice groups by state