Center for Youth Equity

Children and young adults deserve to feel safe and supported. They should have a future full of opportunity and possibility, but structural racism and systemic barriers lead to inequity, which is a root cause of youth exposure to violence. Increasing access to resources must combine with support for young people to create social change.

The Center for Youth Equity is a culturally responsive youth violence prevention research center embedded within the ongoing community partnerships and existing infrastructure of the Violence Prevention Institute of Tulane University to build and strengthen the network for youth violence prevention in New Orleans and across the Gulf South. Its activities are in is a partnership with the City of New Orleans Office of Gun Violence Prevention, the New Orleans Children and Youth Planning Board, and University Medical Center. CYE is one of only five National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention in the US.

CYE Progress Report 2022-2024

Learn more about the CYE call to action to prevent youth exposure to violence.

Mission, Purpose, & Long-term Goal

Mission - Serve as a hub for innovative research, community-engaged outreach and translation, cutting-edge training, and youth violence and injury prevention education locally, nationally, and throughout the Gulf South region.

Purpose - To advance the science and translation of youth violence prevention through research, training, and outreach.

Long-term Goal - To apply our existing and successful team science approach to the prevention of youth violence by integrating dissemination and outreach, training, and research activity.

CYE Activities

  • Research & Evaluation - establishes a research core with two distinct projects
    • Enrichment 2 Empowerment (E2E) - adapts, implements, and evaluates a multi-component enrichment and empowerment program aimed at preventing and reducing exposure to community violence among Black youth ages 14-19. This YPAR (Youth Participatory Action Research) project centers youth as leaders in research and social action, empowering them to identify and address issues of community and police violence through evidence-based strategies and collective advocacy
    • Supportive Hospital-based Intervention for Firearm Trauma (SHIFT) - evaluates the effects of a hospital-initiated, community-integrated practice-based approach in reducing gun violence among older youth (18-24 years)
  • Training & Education - develops innovative and trans-disciplinary educational and training opportunities for early career and junior scholars, youth, and professionals aimed at developing and strengthening a workforce that is best positioned to impact youth violence prevention efforts locally, regionally, and nationally
  • Outreach & Translation - translates the evidence base for community youth violence prevention strategies into wide spread outreach and dissemination efforts targeting community groups, youth-serving organizations, hospital systems, and policymakers. Outreach & Translation also includes the Junior Civic Safety Council, a youth-led advisory board providing inputs on all aspects of CYE as well as VPI..