
VPI leadership and affiliated faculty have a number of publications on violence prevention and related protective and risk factors. As such, this page is currently under construction. This is currently not an exhaustive list.


Hatch, V., Swerbenski, H., & Gray, S. A. O. (2020). Family social support buffers the intergenerational association of maternal adverse childhood experiences and preschoolers’ externalizing behavior. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 90(4), 489–501. 

Esteves, K.C., Jones, C.W., Wade, M., Callerame, K., Smith, A.K., Theall, K.P., & Drury, S. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences: implications for offspring telomere length and psychopathology. American Journal of Psychiatry, 177(1), 47-57.

Wallace, M., Felker-Kantor, E., Madkour, A., Ferguson, T., Welsh, D., Molina, P., & Theall, K.P. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences, smoking and alcohol use, and allostatic load among people living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 24, 1653-1662. 

Grasso, D.J., Drury, S., Briggs-Gowan, M., Johnson, A., Ford, J., Lapidus, G., Scranton, V., Abreu, C. & Covault, J. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences, posttraumatic stress, and FKBP5 methylation patterns in postpartum women and their newborn infants. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 114, 104604. 

Lewis, M.L., & Norwood, R.G. (2019). “When I go to heaven, I’ll be White”: The ethics of transracial adoption within the context of childhood trauma and racial identity development. Zero to Three Journal, 40(1), 12-21.…;

Jones, C.W., Esteves, K.C., Gray, S.A.O., Clarke, T.N., Callerame, K., Theall, K.P., & Drury, S. (2019) The transgenerational transmission of maternal adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): Insights from placental aging and infant autonomic nervous system reactivity. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 106, 20-27. 

Drury, S. (2019). Hidden Scars: The Impact of Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Exposure Across Generations. AACAP 66th Annual Meeting. 

Kim, J.E., Clarke, T.N., Jones, C.W., & Drury, S. (2018). The association between maternal adverse childhood experience and maternal depression: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. AACAP 65th Annual Meeting. 


Fleckman, J.M., Cathy, T., Kondo, M., Francois, S., Drury, S., & Theall, K.P. (2022). 094 The spread of disorder from neighborhood to household: connections between neighborhood blighted property and family violence. Injury Prevention, 28(Suppl 1), A33-A33. 

Theall, K.P., Morrison, C.N., Jacoby, S.F., Tucker, A., Wallace, M.E., Kondo, M.C., Branas, C.C., & Gustat, J. (2022). Neighborhood Blighted Property Removal and 311 Calls for Non‐Emergency Services: A Test of a Marker of Social Control. Geographical Analysis, 54(2), 261-273. 

Francois, S. & Davis, C. (2022). What Is Safety to You? Determining an Inductive Conceptualization of Neighborhood Safety Through Centering the Voices of Community Residents. Urban Social Work, 6(2), 129-147. 

Chen, X. & Rafail, P. (2022). Physical disorder and crime revisited: New evidence from intensive longitudinal data. Social Science Research, 102, 102637. 

Fleckman, J.M., Tokarz, S., Craig-Kuhn, M.C., Wallace, M.E., & Theall, K.P. (2022). Neighborhood matters: Neighborhood violence, collective efficacy, and social emotional development in early childhood. Children and Youth Services Review, 143, 106700. 

Kajeepeta, S., Theall, K.P., Kondo, M.C., Branas, C.C. Wallace, M.E., Jacoby, S.F. & Morrison, C.N. (2020). The association between blighted property remediation and domestic crime by alcohol availability. Health & Place, 64, 102364. 

Chen, X., & Rafail, P. (2020). Do housing vacancies induce more crime? A spatiotemporal regression analysis. Crime & Delinquency, 66(11), 1579-1605. 

Theall, K.P., Morrison, C., Kondo, M., Wallace, M., & Branas, C. (2020). 147 The promises and challenges of place-based solutions to violence prevention. Injury Prevention, 26 (Suppl 1), A22-A22. 

Hohl, B.C., Kondo, M.C., Kajeepeta, S., MacDonald, J.M., Theall, K.P., Zimmerman, M.A., & Branas, C.C. (2019). Creating safe and healthy neighborhoods with place-based violence interventions. Health Affairs, 38(10), 1687-1694. 

Kondo, M.C., Morrison, C., Jacoby, S.F., Elliott, L., Poche, A., Theall, K.P., & Branas, C.C. (2018) Blight abatement of vacant land and crime in New Orleans. Public Health Reports, 133(6), 650-657. 

Theall, K.P., Felker-Kantor, E., Wallace, M., Zhang, X., Morrison, C.N., & Wiebe, D.J. (2018) Considering high alcohol and violence neighborhood context using daily diaries and GPS: A pilot study among people living with HIV. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 187, 236-241. 

Theall, K.P., Shirtcliff, E.A., Dismukes, A.R., Wallace, M., & Drury, S. (2017). Association between neighborhood violence and biological stress in children. JAMA Pediatrics, 171(1), 53-60.…;


Saltzman, L.Y. (2021). Sex differences in the relationship between child maltreatment, recent bereavement, and average heart rate. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 84,(2), 459-473. 

Bullinger, L.R., Fleckman, J.M., & Fong, K. (2021) Proximity to SNAP-authorized retailers and child maltreatment reports. Economics & Human Biology 42, 101015. 

Parrish, J.W., Fleckman, J.M., Prindle, J.J., Eastman, A.L. & Weil, L.E.G. (2020) Measuring the incidence of child maltreatment using linked data: A two-state comparison. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(4), e133-e140. 


Bai, R., Fleckman, J.M., Ruiz, R.L., LeBlanc, S., Gilbert, H. & Taylor, C.A. (2023). Evaluation of a Medical Center Staff Bystander Intervention Training for No-Hit-Zones: An Innovative Strategy to Change Social Norms Regarding Physical Punishment. Research in Human Development, 1-15. 

Fleckman, J.M., Scholer, S.J., Branco, N., & Taylor, C.A. (2021). Educating parents about corporal punishment and effective discipline: Pediatricians’ preparedness, motivation, and barriers. Academic Pediatrics, 21(1), 149-157. 

Fleckman, J., Ruiz, R., Leblanc, S., Gilbert, H., & Taylor, C. (2020). 123 No hit zones: an innovative approach to violence prevention. Injury Prevention, 26(Suppl 1), A46-A46. 

Fleckman, J.M., Taylor, C.A., Theall, K.P., & Andrinopoulos, K. (2019). The association between perceived injunctive norms toward corporal punishment, parenting support, and risk for child physical abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 88, 246-255. 

Fleckman, J.M., Taylor, C.A., Theall, K.P., & Andrinopoulos, K. (2019) Perceived social norms in the neighborhood context: The role of perceived collective efficacy in moderating the relation between perceived injunctive norms and use of corporal punishment. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 36, 29-41.  

Taylor, C.A., Fleckman, J.M., Scholer, S.J., & Branco, N. (2018). US pediatricians' attitudes, beliefs, and perceived injunctive norms about spanking. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 39(7), 564-572.…;

Temple, J.R., Choi, H.J., Reuter, T., Wolfe, D. Taylor, C.A., Madigan, S., Scott, L.E. (2018). Childhood corporal punishment and future perpetration of physical dating violence. The Journal of Pediatrics, 194, 233–237.  

Gershoff, E.T., Font, S.A., Taylor, C.A., Garza, A.B., Olson-Dorff, D., & Foster, R.H. (2018). A short-term evaluation of a hospital no hit zone policy to increase bystander intervention in cases of parent-to-child violence. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 155-162.  

Afifi, T.O., Ford, D., Gershoff, E.T., Merrick, M., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Ports, K.A., MacMillan, H.L., Holden, G.W., Taylor, C.A., Lee, S.J., & Bennett, R.P. (2017). Spanking and adult mental health impairment: The case for the designation of spanking as an adverse childhood experience. Child Abuse & Neglect 71, 24-31. 

Taylor, C.A., McKasson, S., Hoy, G., & DeJong, W. (2017). Parents’ Primary Professional Sources of Parenting Advice Moderate Predictors of Parental Attitudes toward Corporal Punishment. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(2), 652–663. 

Taylor, C.A., Fleckman, J.M., & Lee, S.J. (2017). Attitudes, beliefs, and perceived norms about corporal punishment and related training needs among members of the “American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children”. Child Abuse & Neglect, 71, 56-68. 


McKinley, C.E., Lilly, J., Liddell, J.L., Knipp H., Solomon, T.A., Comby, N., Comby, H., Haynes, P., Ferris, K., & Goldberg, M. (2023). Developing the Weaving Healthy Families Program to Promote Wellness and Prevent Substance Abuse and Violence: Approach, Adaptation, and Implementation. Families in Society, 10443894221146351. 

McKinley, C.E. & Theall, K.P. (2021). Weaving Healthy Families Program: Promoting resilience while reducing violence and substance use. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(5), 476-492. 


McKinley, C.E. (2023). Understanding Indigenous Gender Relations and Violence: Becoming Gender AWAke. Springer. 


Constans, J.I., Houtsma, C., Bailey, M., & True, G. (2023) The armory project: Partnering with firearm retailers to promote and provide voluntary out‐of‐home firearm storage. Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior. 

Ghio, M., Simpson, J.T., Ali, A., Fleckman, J.M., Theall, K.P., Constans, J.I., Tatum, D. McGrew, P.R., Duchesne, J., & Taghavi, S. (2023). Association between markers of structural racism and mass shooting events in major US cities. JAMA Surgery.…;

Simpson, J.T., Hussein, M.H., Toraih, E.A., M Suess, Tatum, D., Taghavi, S., & McGrew, P. (2022). Trends and burden of firearm-related injuries among children and adolescents: a national perspective. Journal of Surgical Research, 280, 63-73. 

Sah, E., Asher, A., Houtsma, C., & Constans, J.I. (2022). The Firearm Implicit Association Test: a validation study. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1-9. 

Ali, A., Broome, J., Tatum, D., Fleckman, J., Theall, K.P., Chaparro, M.P., Duchesne, J, & Taghavi, S. (2022). The association between food insecurity and gun violence in a major metropolitan city. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 93(1), 91. 

Simpson, J.T., Ali, A., Folse, M., Taghavi, S., Tatum, D., & Duchesne, J.C. (2022). Effect of Socioeconomic Factors on Mass Shooting Events: A 5-Year Analysis. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 235(5), S282-S283.…;

Houghton, A., Jackson-Weaver, O., Toraih, E., Burley, N., Byrne, T., McGrew, P., Duchesne, J., Tatum, D., & Taghavi, S. (2021). Firearm homicide mortality is influenced by structural racism in US metropolitan areas. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 91(1), 64–71.…;

Wamser-Nanney, R., Nanney, J.T., & Constans, J.I. (2021). Trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and attitudes toward guns. Psychology of Violence, 11(4), 376, 

Wamser-Nanney, R., Nanney, J.T., & Constans, J.I. (2021). PTSD and attitudes toward guns following interpersonal trauma. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(13-14), NP7619-NP7636. 

Wallace, M.E., Vilda, D., Theall, K.P., & Stoecker, C. (2021). Firearm Relinquishment Laws Associated With Substantial Reduction In Homicide Of Pregnant And Postpartum Women. Health Affairs, 40(10), 1654-1662. 

Wamser-Nanney, R., Nanney, J.T., & Constans, J.I. (2020). The Gun Behaviors and Beliefs Scale: Development of a new measure of gun behaviors and beliefs. Psychology of Violence, 10(2), 172. 

Smith, A.A., Hummel, L.A., Yusin, T.M., Nguyen, T., Hoof, M., Taghavi, S., McGrew, P., Guidry, C., Duchese, J., & Shroll, R. (2019). Mass Shooting in the US, 2016-2018: An Analysis of the Currently Available Open Source Data. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 229(4), e233-e234.…;

Wamser-Nanney, R., Nanney, J.T., Conrad, E., & Constans, J.I. (2019). Childhood trauma exposure and gun violence risk factors among victims of gun violence. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11(1), 99. 

Nanney, J.T., Conrad, E.J., Reuther, E.T., Wamser-Nanney, R.A., McCloskey, M., & Constans, J.I. (2018). Motivational interviewing for victims of armed community violence: A nonexperimental pilot feasibility study. Psychology of Violence, 8(2), 259. 


Davis, C., & Francois, S. (2020). Behind closed doors: Considering a triphasic traumatic incarceration experience. Traumatology, 26(2), 193. 

Dyer, L., Hardeman, R., Vilda, D., Theall, K.P., & Wallace, M. (2019). Mass incarceration and public health: the association between black jail incarceration and adverse birth outcomes among black women in Louisiana. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19(1), 1-10.…;


Fleckman, J., Taghavi, S., Theall, K.P., & Francois, S. (2023). The Importance of Addressing Violence Transgenerationally and Across Contexts. Research in Human Development, 1-5. 

Heberle, A.E., Obus, E.A., & Gray, S.A.O. (2020). An intersectional perspective on the intergenerational transmission of trauma and state‐perpetrated violence. Journal of Social Issues, 76(4), 814-834. 

Esteves, K., Gray, S.A.O., Theall, K.P., & Drury, S. (2017). Impact of physical abuse on internalizing behavior across generations. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26, 2753-2761. 


McKinley, C.E., Lilly, J.M., Knipp H., Liddell, J.L. (2021). “A dad can get the money and the mom stays at home”: Patriarchal gender role attitudes, intimate partner violence, historical oppression, and resilience among indigenous peoples. Sex Roles, 85(9-10), 499-514. 

McKinley, C.E., & Liddell, J.L. (2022). “Why I Stayed in That Relationship”: Barriers to Indigenous Women’s Ability to Leave Violent Relationships. Violence Against Women, 28(14), 3352-3374. 

McKinley, C.E. & Lilly, J. (2022). ‘Marriage is Going to Fix It’: Indigenous Women’s Experiences with Early Childbearing, Early Marriage and Intimate Partner Violence. The British Journal of Social Work, 52(5), 2475-2494. 

Cannon, C.E.B., Ferreira, R., Buttell, F., & O’Connor, A. (2023). Intimate partner violence survivorship, posttraumatic stress disorder and disaster: implications for future disasters. Violence Against Women, 10778012231176205. 

Lamoreau, R., Park, J., Skov, H., Pequet, A., & Gray, S.A.O. (2023). Intimate partner violence and preschool self‐regulation: Examining the role of maternal emotion socialization in Black families. Social Development. 

Ferreira, R.J. & Buttell, F. (2023). A Global South perspective: the intersection of COVID-19 and intimate partner violence. American Journal of Public Health, 113(2), 136-137.…;

Hamel, J., Buttell, F., Ferreira, R., & Roy, V. (2022). IPV perpetrator groups: Client engagement, and the role of facilitators. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(19-20), NP17081-NP17108. 

Cannon, C.E.B., Ferreira, R., Buttell, F., & First, J. (2021). COVID-19, intimate partner violence, and communication ecologies. American Behavioral Scientist, 65(7), 992-1013. 

Buttell, F., Cannon, C.E.B., Rose, K., & Ferreira, R.J. (2021). COVID-19 and intimate partner violence: Prevalence of resilience and perceived stress during a pandemic. Traumatology, 27(1), 20. 

Cannon, C., Hamel, J., Buttell, F., & Ferreira, R.J. (2020). The pursuit of research-supported treatment in batterer intervention: The role of professional licensure and theoretical orientation for Duluth and CBT programs. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 17(4), 469-485. 

Buttell, F. & Ferreira, R.J. (2020). The Hidden Disaster of COVID-19: Intimate Partner Violence. Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy.

Hamel, J., Cannon, C., Buttell, F., & Ferreira, R. (2020). A survey of IPV perpetrator treatment providers: Ready for evidence-based practice? Partner Abuse, 11(4), 387-414. 

Cannon, C., Ferreira, R.J., & Buttell, F. (2019). Differences and similarities between male and female intimate partner violence perpetration and parenting attitudes. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 16(4), 442-459. 

Cannon, C., Ferreira, R.J., & Buttell, F. (2019). Critical race theory, parenting, and intimate partner violence: Analyzing race and gender. Research on Social Work Practice, 29(5), 590-602. 

Sonkin, D., Ferreira, R.J., Hamel, J., Buttell, F., & Frias, M.T. (2019). Associations between attachment insecurities and psychological violence in a sample of court-mandated batterers. Violence and Victims, 34(6), 910-929. 

Wennerstrom, A., Haywood, C., Wallace, M., Sugarman, M., Walker, A., Bonner, T., Sutton, Y., Keller, B.L., Lewis, M., Springgate, B., & Theall, K. (2018). Creating safe spaces: a community health worker-academic partnered approach to addressing intimate partner violence. Ethnicity & Disease, 28(Suppl 2), 317. 

Cannon, C. & Ferreira, R.J. (2017). Understanding female intimate partner violence perpetration, parenting attitudes, and batterer intervention program completion. Partner Abuse, 8(3), 272-290. 

Ferreira, R.J., Lauve-Moon, K., & Cannon, C. (2017). Male batterer parenting attitudes: Investigating differences between African American and Caucasian men. Research on Social Work Practice, 27(5), 572-581. 

Felker-Kantor, E., Wallace, M., & Theall, K.P. (2017). Living in violence: Neighborhood domestic violence and small for gestational age births. Health & Place, 46, 130-136. 

Hamel, J., Ferreira, R.J., & Buttell, F. (2017). Gender and batterer intervention: Implications of a program evaluation for policy and treatment. Research on Social Work Practice, 27(4), 405-412. 


Dyer, L., Vilda, D., Harville, E. Theall, K.P., & Wallace, M. (2023). Income inequality and pregnancy-associated homicide in the US: a longitudinal, state-level analysis. Violence Against Women, 29(9), 1567-1581. 

Wallace, M.E., Friar, N., Herwehe, J., & Theall, K.P. (2020). Violence as a direct cause of and indirect contributor to maternal death. Journal of Women's Health, 29(8), 1032-1038. 

Wallace, M.E., Crear-Perry, J., Mehta, P.K., & Theall, K.P. (2020). Homicide during pregnancy and the postpartum period in Louisiana, 2016-2017. JAMA pediatrics, 174(4), 387-388.…;

Vilda, D., Wallace, M., Dyer, L., Harville, E. & Theall, K.P. (2019). Income inequality and racial disparities in pregnancy-related mortality in the US. SSM-Population Health, 9, 100477. 


McKinley, C., Knipp H., & Lilly, J. (2022). ‘A learning experience’: Disciplinary and parenting practices among Native American families. Child & Family Social Work 27(2), 185-194. 

McKinley, C.E., Saltzman, L.Y., & Theall, K.P. (2023). The Weaving Healthy Families program: Promoting parenting practices, family resilience, and communal mastery. Family Process. 

Cunningham, M., Francois, S., & Scott, K. (2023). Perceived parenting practices associated with African American adolescents' future expectations. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 64, 217-253. 

Gray, S.A.O., Moberg, S.A., Obus, E.A., Parker, V., Rosenblum, K.L., Muzik, M. Zeanah, C.H., & Drury, S. (2022). Harnessing virtual mom power: Process and outcomes of a pilot telehealth adaptation of a multifamily, attachment-based intervention. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 21(1), 6-18. 

Byrd, N.M.B., Rowe-Odom, M.J., Bushfan, O.L., Gill, A., Baca, K., & Lewis, M.L. (2021). Using hair-combing interactions to enhance relationships between Black women and girls impacted by homelessness. WE Matter!, 143-165. 

Lewis, M.L. & Weatherston, D.J. (2021). Therapeutic Cultural Routines to Build Family Relationships: Talk, Touch & Listen While Combing Hair. Springer Nature. 

Fleckman, J.M., Taylor, C.A., Storer, H.L., Andrinopoulos, K., Weil, L.E.G., Rubin-Miller, L., & Theall, K.P. (2018). Breaking the mold: Socio-ecologic factors to influence the development of non-harsh parenting strategies to reduce risk for child physical abuse. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 274-283. 


Jahn, J.L., Wallace, M., Theall, K.P., & Hardeman, R. (2023) Neighborhood Proactive Policing and Racial Inequities in Preterm Birth in New Orleans, 2018‒2019. American Journal of Public Health, 113(S1), S21-S28.…;

Moody, S., Phan, J., Drury, S., Theall, K.P., Skinner, M., Haggerty, K., & Shirtcliff, E. (2023). Impact of Community Policing on Biological Markers of Health Across Development in Black Youth. Psychoneuroendocrinology 153, 106264. 

Theall, K.P., Francois, S., Bell, C.N., Anderson, A., Chae, D., & LaVeist, T.A. (2022). Neighborhood Police Encounters, Health, And Violence In A Southern City: Study examines neighborhood police encounters, health, and violence in New Orleans, Louisiana. Health Affairs, 41(2), 228-236. 

Boyles, A.S., Tufts, L.T., Judson, J., & Monterrosa, A.E. (2022). 6 Transforming Imagination into Liberation Praxis Black Feminist Perspectives on Policing at the Intersection of Race, Place, Gender, and the White Gaze. Justice and Legitimacy in Policing: Transforming the Institution.…;

Theall, K.P., Francois, S., Bell, C.N., Anderson, A., Chae, D., & LaVeist, T.A. (2022). 098 Neighborhood police encounters, health and violence in a southern city. Injury Prevention, 28(Suppl 1), A35-A35. 

Boyles, A.S. (2020). Racial‐spatial politics: Policing Black citizens in white spaces and a 21st‐century uprising. American Ethnologist, 47(2), 150-154.…;


Saltzman, L.Y., Canetti, D., Hobfoll, S.E., & Hall B.J. (2022). The impact of political violence on posttraumatic stress symptomology: a longitudinal analysis. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 35(2), 219-231. 


Francois, S., Wu, K., Doe, E., Tucker, A., & Theall, K.P. (2023). The Influence of Racial Violence, in Neighborhoods and Schools on the Psycho-Behavioral Outcomes in Adolescence. Research in Human Development, 1-17. 

Francois, S., Blakey, J., Stevenson, R., Walker, T., & Davis, C. (2023). Navigating COVID‐19 and racial trauma as a Black student at predominantly White institutions. American Journal of Community Psychology. 

Francois, S., & Davis, C. (2022). Lifting the veil: Considering the conceptualizations of racism-based trauma among social workers. Qualitative Social Work, 21(2), 294-313. 

Francois, S., Theall, K.P., Tucker, A., Fleckman, J.M., & Drury, S. (2022). 097 Racial violence in neighborhoods and schools: the psycho-behavioral impact in adolescence. Injury Prevention, 28(Suppl 1), A34-A34.  

Vilda, D., Hardeman, R., Dyer, L., Theall, K.P., & Wallace, M. (2021). Structural racism, racial inequities and urban–rural differences in infant mortality in the US. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 75(8), 788-793. 

Ramirez, S., Andrinopoulos, K., Theall, K.P., LaVeist, T., & Madkour, A. (2021). Practice perspectives on preparing a public health workforce to address racism. APHA 2021 Annual Meeting and Expo. 

Boyles, A. (2018). The Effects of De Facto Segregation: Socioeconomic and Political Alienation, Crime and Contentious Black Citizen/Police Exchanges. Segregation by Design: Conversations and Calls for Action in St. Louis, 450-55. 

Groos, M., Wallace, M., Hardeman, R., & Theall, K.P. (2018). Measuring inequity: a systematic review of methods used to quantify structural racism. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 11(2), 13. 


Chafouleas, S.M., Saleem, F., Overstreet, S., & Thorne, T. (2023). Interventions for students exposed to trauma. Handbook of School Mental Health: Innovations in Science and Practice, 73-90. 

Phelps, C., Francois, S., Amayke, R., Schafer, K., & Wood, H. (2023). Adapting a School-Based Trauma Intervention to Support Students: A Pilot Study. Journal of Trauma Studies in Education, 2(1), 108-118. 

Fleckman, J.M., Petrovic, L., Simon, K., Peele, H., Baker, C.N., Overstreet, S., & New Orleans Trauma-Informed Schools Learning Collaborative. (2022). Compassion satisfaction, secondary traumatic stress, and burnout: A mixed methods analysis in a sample of public-school educators working in marginalized communities. School Mental Health, 14(4), 933-950. 

Davis, W., Petrovic, L., Whalen, K., Danna, L., Zeigler, K., Brewton, A., Joseph, M., Baker, C.N., Overstreet, S., & the New Orleans Trauma-Informed Learning Collaborative. (2022). Centering trauma‐informed approaches in schools within a social justice framework. Psychology in the Schools, 59(12), 2453-2470. 

Simon, K., Petrovic, L., Baker, C., & Overstreet, S. (2022). An examination of the associations among teacher secondary traumatic stress, teacher–student relationship quality, and student socio-emotional functioning. School Mental Health, 14(2), 213-224. 

McIntyre, E.M., Baker, C.N., & Overstreet, S. (2019) Evaluating foundational professional development training for trauma-informed approaches in schools. Psychological Services, 16(1), 95. 

Chafouleas, S.M., Koriakin, T.A., Roundfield, K.D., & Overstreet, S. (2019). Addressing childhood trauma in school settings: A framework for evidence-based practice. School Mental Health, 11, 40-53. 


McKinley, C.E., & Knipp H. (2022). “You Can Get Away with Anything Here… No Justice at All”—Sexual Violence Against US Indigenous Females and Its Consequences. Gender Issues 39(3), 291-319. 

Shapiro, M.O., Short, N.A., Raines, A.M., Franklin, C.L., True, G., & Constans, J.I. (2022). Pain and posttraumatic stress: Associations among women veterans with a history of military sexual trauma. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 

Ceroni, T.L., Ennis, C.R., Shapiro, M.O., Constans, J.I., Franklin, C.L., & Raines, A.M. (2022). Examining the unique and interactive associations of gender and race on PTSD symptom severity among military sexual trauma survivors. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 

Kenney, S.J. (2020). Does Any Woman Have Just One Survivor Story? One Vagina’s Monologue. Me Too, Feminist Theory, and Surviving Sexual Violence in the Academy, 105. 

Latimer, J., Fleckman, J., Wallace, M., Rountree, M., & Theall, K.P. (2017). The influence of violence victimization on sexual health behaviors and outcomes. AIDS patient care and STDs, 31(5), 237-244. 


Raines, A.M., Houtsma, C., Boffa, J.W., & Constans, J.I. (2023). A Response to Operation Deep Dive’s Interim Report on Veteran Suicide Rates. Military Medicine, 188(5-6), 141-142. 

Raines, A.M., Macia, K.S., Currier, J., Compton, S.E., Ennis, C.R. Constans, J.I., (2022). Spiritual struggles and suicidal ideation in veterans seeking outpatient treatment: The mediating role of perceived burdensomeness. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 14(2), 229. 

Compton, S.E., Houtsma, C., Boffa, J.W., Parkin, S.L., Carroll, M. Constans, J.I., (2021). Suicide risk among rural veterans: Application of the interpersonal theory of suicide. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 45(4), 281. 

Boffa, J.W., Houtsma, C., Raines, A.M., Franklin, C.L., Constans, J.I., (2020). Rural suicide prevention in response to COVID-19: Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Educational Publishing Foundation, 44(3), 143. 

Raines, A.M., Allan, N.P., Franklin, C.L., Huet, A.M., Constans, J.I., & Stecker, T. (2020). Correlates of suicidal ideation and behaviors among former military personnel not enrolled in the veterans health administration. Archives of Suicide Research, 24(4), 517-533. 


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